
A list of reasons I’m divorcing J.K. Rowling and no longer acknowledging anything Past Deathly Hallows

  • None of it makes sense or really adds anything to the story except ‘ooh! A twist!’
  • She took the The Boy Who Lived To Idolize His Parents, and made him into a terrible father, who told his son he wishes he wasn’t born.
  • Made lycanthropy an allegory for HIV/AIDS, AFTER Lupin was turned as a child, by an adult. Not only does this tick the box for pedophilia, but painting homosexuals as predatory by nature.
  • Delphi. Everything about her. Including that she exists.
  • During the actual series, wandless magic was incredibly difficult to do, and only harnessed by very dedicated, powerful witches and wizards. Then, when writing about it in reference to Native American witches and wizards, suddenly, they needed Europeans to come along and teach them how to use wands.
  • Dumbledore being gay, whilst having none of his romantic relationships touched on in the series, even when his adolescence is delved into.
  • Taking from other cultures (Indian and Native American, for example) to add things to the series, with no credit due to those cultures, and no mention of even a character from those cultures.
  • Nagini somehow being a human originally, when it was previously never even alluded to, despite J.K. apparently ‘sitting on this for the last 20 years’.
  • Nagini, the literal PET of a white supremacist, was a woman of color.
  • Outside of the series, JK Rowling is a known TERF.

None of these things she attempts to shoehorn in feel even remotely natural to the story, and it’s painfully fucking obvious they’re last-minute ‘gotcha!’ twists ripped off or ao3. She’s destroying the series by trying to keep it relevant, when it could maintain relevancy all on it’s own by being passed down through families and the fandom all on it’s own.


someone: what harry potter house are you 🙂

me: i’ve come to really not like harry potter, because of the way the majority of its fans behave as well as the bullshit jk rowling says and does and im not really comfortable identifying w/ the series anymore

also me: but like, hufflepuff


“He pulled Harry’s wand from his pocket and began to trace it through the air, writing three shimmering words:

tom marvolo riddle

Then he waved the wand once, and the letters of his name rearranged themselves:

Mr. Tom, a Dildo Lover

“wait, shit, no,” said Riddle. “







After Harry Potter came out, many videos surfaced online of people running into brick walls at train stations as a joke. While at one of these such train stations a friend dares you to run into a wall. They pull out their phone and start recording as you reluctantly run towards the wall. Expecting to hit it, you brace for impact but none comes— when you open your eyes again, the platform is empty and the train you see is most definitely not the Hogwarts Express.


Me: *reblogs this*

You and the rest of my followers:

Ok. That’s enough Tumblr for today. 

I can hear that gif






I have a headcanon that Hermione insists her children attend some primary muggle schooling before Hogwarts, just as she had done. Now, imagine Arthur Weasley attending his grandchild’s science fair, being the ultra proud grandfather….and yet also completely geeking out over absolutely EVERYTHING.


“That is a volcano, that is a VERY SMALL VOLCANO, how – young lady, how did you make this? Baking soda and food coloring? MARVELOUS!”






Ron just got his howler from his mom yelling at him for stealing the car. He seems super embarrassed and most of the Great Hall is laughing. But here’s the thing:

Ron is 12 years old.

Ron stole a car.

Ron fucking stole a fucking car at the age of TWELVE.

I would not be laughing at him. Ronald Weasley is a fucking bad ass. When was the last time you jacked a car Malfoy? That’s what I thought. Bitch.

Harry woke up at 3 am, wrote this, and went back to sleep.

New best reply.